Oh TVXQ how I love you! This has been my new favorite song ever since it came out a couple weeks ago. I love the energy and just the hugeness of the sound that fills your car speakers making you bob and dance while the people in the car next to you at the stoplight worry for their safety. I especially like the almost marching band sound that they throw in throughout the song with the horns and the drums. It gives it a very unique yet powerful sound that I didn't know could come from those instruments.
The Dance:
Now, my sister also reviewed this song in her blog recently and I have to say that her opinion of the dancing and mine are almost completely opposite. The video starts out with Uknow dancing with this scarf/powdery rope thing and I just cringe every time I see it. Pause the video at 4sec... To me he looks like a very grouchy person who has to pee really badly. Note to Uknow, puckering your lips does not make you look tough.
Anyway, 17 sec into the video Uknow throws his rag over to Max who then takes his turn dancing. I know this is gonna sound weird but I love his outfit! Hey, I can say that, I'm a girl. I really enjoy Max's dancing. To me it looks powerful and graceful at the same time. I mean, how many guys can almost pull off a pirouette and still look ok?

At 45 sec Uknow does this weird leap thing which reminds me of a leprechaun and then at 49 sec we have the ever so popular, among korean bands, lip touch/mouth wiping maneuver. Which, by the way, can be substituted for the traditional raunchy hip thrusting that was mentioned in my last blog.
1:43 is one of my favorite parts in the video. It is when Uknow, who's power is fire, calls the fire back into his hand and then extinguishes it by making a fist. Out of all the shows that I have seen people with this power are limited to making the fire and are not able to put it out at will. This to me reminds me a little about life. How often do we create these destructive "fires" in our life without possessing the knowledge or the skill of extinguishing them? How many people do you know that go around starting fires such as drinking or smoking or gossiping thinking that they can handle it and keep it under control only to have it spread and consume them. I know this might be reaching a little far but during that part I can just imagine this fire that is ravaging us, just consuming everything that we are and then we finally give it to God and in His hands it becomes but a small flame that he distinguishes in his fist. Love that imagery.
2:27 they are both dancing in there hideous, what were you thinking when you let them put this on you suits and Uknow who is on the left does a total John Travolta disco move. I mean, if he would have just pointed his finger it would have been perfect... and he may have been sued for copyright infringement.
My other favorite part of this video is at 3:39 - 3:50 when the horns and the drums really kick in and both Uknow and Max airdrum. Air drumming, always cool in my book lol
And lastly was the near miss high five at 4:09. This cracks me up every time I see it. I mean granted they are high fiving with their left hands so I'm wondering if that was perhaps the problem but I would think they would do the scene over until it didn't look so awkward or perhaps they should have practiced it more like "Dude I have to pee, High five!" "Dude, I'm going to bed, High Five!" Just saying.
The Costumes:
I actually really liked all the costumes in this video.. except for the suits which make their first appearance at 2:12. Like I said before, what were they thinking? This may be the reason why they never look at each other while they are wearing these suits because if they did they would burst out laughing at each other, hence the no eye contact. Strangely enough though they seem to be growing on me.
The voice:
Is it just me or is Uknow like the funniest sounding rapper ever?! Especially at 3:13 when he starts his final rap. To me he sounds like a Muppet and this is perhaps the reason why they gave him the ultra cool power of fire... compensation. Make the guy with the weird voice look cool so no one will notice. Max on the other hand has the lame power of making light where there is darkness, which could have been really cool but they just didn't do much with it, but has, in my opinion, the better of the two voices. About Max's power, you'd think he might have had lightning striking in the background or something cool like that but instead he just kinda stands there in this room where the walls look like they have been riddled with bullet holes and spreads out his hands like he is basking in the almost none existent light.
Anyway, it sound like I don't like this video but like I said before it is definitely one of my favorites and although a bit flawed I find it very enjoyable. Also, I am not a Uknow hater lol
Ew, Melissa! Did you not look at all the examples I gave in my blog about why Uknow's dancing was so much better than Max's? Don't get me wrong, I love Max, he's either the cutest or the second cutest of the DBSK 5, but he sucked in this video. He didn't look good half the time and his dancing lacked most of the time, and his power was tiny, and Uknow kicked butt! You can't pause a video and take one frame to make fun of because everyone looks weird when you do that. I'm sure there are plenty of frames where if you pause them, Max looks like a retard. Same with Uknow. Same with everyone. So, no. I reject your hypothesis and demand that you make a better one!