Lets see... My last post was in July so we'll just go from there. Well first it was the 4th of July and I went to Placerville to visit my mom and step-dad. We got together with my step-sisters and their families to enjoy the fireworks. May I just say that all my little nephews are super-duper cute! There is one missing from the below picture but unfortunately I don't have a pic with him in it. Wah!

So that was pretty much it for July, pretty sad eh?
August! The greatest month of the year! The month where genius' are born and dreams are made!
Yes, it was my birthday in August and yikes I turned 25! Wow a quarter of a century old, can you believe it? For my birthday I had 3 parties. It was awesome! My roomate called it my birthday week cus it revolved all around me, and rightly so lol j/k I also got to go see the play Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamCoat. It was amazing and I tried my very hardest not to sing along with the cast and not to compare the guy who played Joseph to Donny Osmond and his version.
I also got two shopping sprees for my birthday and boy did I need it! Everyone practically demanded that I get a new wardrobe and thanks to them its coming along nicely.
A couple weekends ago was a long and was one of the most emotional I've had in a long time. One of my best friends, a friend from my childhood got married this weekend in my hometown of Tehachapi. Nicole and I were one of the four friends that were invited to the wedding. It was a small wedding but it was beautiful. The ceremony itself was very short, lasting no more than 10 min. Sarah, the bride was gorgeous in her wedding dress and the groom was cute if not unorthodox in his flip flops.

Today I went fishing! Wait let me start from the beginning, Thursday night I drove up to my mom's house to spend the weekend. I had Friday off because of a lovely thing called furloughs. They are awesome trust me. Though money is nice I would rather have three three-day weekends a month. So, anyway, I spent the night at my mom's house on thursday night. Roy (my step dad) had told me that they were going fishing on Friday morning and if I wanted to come I needed to stop by Walmart and get a one day fishing license. I did and I also bought SuperSmash Bros for Wii. After clobbering Roy in a couple games we went to bed, at a decent hour of 9:00pm.
I actually had a dream about fishing that night which was really weird but also really fun because I caught two huge fish in my dream. Hopefully it was a sign for the next morning. I also had a dream where I was in a musical... don't ask. Anyway, I was told that I would have to get up at 4:00 am but there is a difference between hearing it the night before when you are all hyper and awake and actually getting up that early in the morning.
Actually, perhaps because of the anticipation and the left over adrenaline from belting out a saucy song atop a barroom table in my last dream... I told you not to ask, but getting up wasnt as hard as I had thought it would be. I got up, layered myself with two pairs of pants and 3 shirts and piled into Roy's truck. It was still dark when we left and dark when we arrived at the lake an hour later. The eastern skyline had only the slightest hint of the comming dawn. Not wanting to fish in the dark we waited a half an hour in the truck until the sky was a couple shades lighter a blue then the inky black blue it had been when we arrived.
Then it was time to fish! We got out of the truck... well Roy did, when he opened the door and we felt the icy wind mom and I stayed behind for a couple minutes to put on a couple more layers of clothes; but we eventually waddled out of the truck and grabbed our fishing poles. Now I don't know if it was because of the altitude, the 5 layers of shirts and jackets I had on or just my complete lack of physical excellence but we had to walk up this small hill in order to get to the lake and I was dying! Not as bad as my mom who had to pace herself on the way up hehe but I was gasping for air by the time I got to the top and seriously thinking that I needed to stop and fill my lungs a couple dozen times. Roy just kept on, not phazed at all telling us it was the elevation as I wondered why he seemed to be ammune to the altitude change.
We got to a spot that seemed like it would be a good place to cast in our lines, baited our hooks with orange powerbait, and threw our lines into the water... some farther and straighter than others lol A few seconds after my line hit the water the rod started jumping. After a brief fishing lesson from Roy I reeled in a very small, very cute trout. I thought we were going to throw it back but Roy removed the hook (I wouldn't do it eww) and fastened the trout to the stringer. Yay I had caught the first fish of the day! I was secretly so proud of myself.
Well, the rest of the day consisted of Roy catching 6 (but mom reeled in three of them so she thinks those three count as hers lol)and I only caught one more. 8 was really good, especially when we looked at how many all the other people were catching... none of which had gotten there as early as we had mind you. Just to clarify, the reason Roy caught so many was because mom and I took a little nap in our chairs towards the end of our trip.
By the time we piled back in the truck at 1:30 pm we were all had sunburnt faces and we all had shed several layers of clothing. All in all it was a really good day... although we would have come home with 9 fish but Roy *cough* tried putting a fish on the stringer while it was in the water and the fish slipped through his hands and back into the lake... it was my fish too! So technically I caught 3 lol
What song, what were you wearing and what was the response? LOL asking!